Waynesboro, Mississippi

First Assembly of God

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and missions
                                    Church Times
         Sunday School:...............................10:00 AM
        Sunday Morning Service:................11:00 AM
        Sunday Evening Service:................ 5:00 PM
        Wednesday Service:....................... 7:00 PM
        Revival Services:............................ 7:00 PM

Our Guide    
THE BIBLE We believe the Bible is the standard rule of faith for all Christians and is God’s message for mankind.
 We believe it’s inspired words are timeless, providing a guide for all cultures and generations.
 Furthermore, we believe the Bible is without error, and is the only true, holy standard for measuring faith. 
We interpret God’s Word literally, accepting its truths as recorded. We believe God performed every miracle and supernatural work mentioned in Scripture. We believe in the creation of the universe and man as stated in Genesis.
 We also believe that the Flood and the ark, the feeding of the 5,000, the parting of the Red Sea, and the many healings listed in the Bible all happened as recorded. 
Furthermore, we believe the events outlined in the final book, Revelation, will transpire in the near future.
 In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.The same was in the beginning with God. John 1:1-2